Monday, August 23, 2010

The Blogging World--Content, here we come!

Checklist real quick...

name of blog...check!

name of website...check!

domain bought...check!

content concept...check!

actual content....ummm need to work on that!

So everyone always says that the key to a successful blog is -- content, content, content... So its time to build that up. We divided up the work load (as sisters we tend to divide and conquer well). So Margie took a couple of the words and Audrey took the a couple. Margie is the organizing queen so she is going to write one tip per week and it will be at the top of the page (we found out this is called a stickie). Audrey loves to cook so she will give one recipe per week that starts w/ the magic letter. :)

Neither one of us are professional therapists or have master's degrees in school counseling, education, etc. so we are enlisting the brains of those around us that do have the expensive parchment hanging on their walls. Thankfully our mom is a math department head of a private school in Atlanta, so we are going to ask her for some info on the addition/algebra piece. We are trying to be as diverse around the country as possible w/ our professionals, so we're looking for a school psychologist or guidance counselor to write up something on "starting school w/ a new attitude" for both parents and students.

Hopefully we'll be able to pull this together in a week. We are hoping to launch next's hoping!

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